Tuesday, March 26, 2019

05 Ring Around the Warehouse

In which a tiger can knock down a wall, a bard can become a knockout, and a "thief" can knock it off already.  Our heroes(?) deal with the fallout of trying to help a dear old fence get back his daughter's dowry. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

04 Always Split The Party

Four sessions in and we immediately break that old cardinal rule of DnD.  Bazz goes to pay the sure-to-be Demon Mayor, Ozixus goes on a side quest that is surely on the up-and-up, and Thorgromm gets drunk and surely dunked.  You'll see.  And don't call me Shirley.

Monday, March 11, 2019

03 Circus Of Exposition Opening Acts

The gang signs a contract with a sure-to-be Demon Mayor.  We hear more about Bazz's backstory.  And we finally get to see (with our earholes) the main acts of Johnny Electrum's Magical Wonder Show.

02 The Stoneman, The Witch, And The Jailhouse

As our story continues, our heroes Bazz, Ozixus, and Thorgromm have a close encounter of the Shield kind.  Oh! and there's an elephant, a slap on the rump, and someone finally remembers Jim.

01 It Always Starts In A Tavern

Our adventure starts in a tavern... what do you mean that's been done before?  Alright, tell me if you've heard this one: a Dwarf, a Changeling, and a Tiefling walk into a bar.  The bartender says, you should record a podcast!